The First International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (Urb-IoT 2014) will be held on October 27-28th, 2014 in Rome, Italy.
The following oral presentation will be delivered.
10/27 14:00-15:30 Technical Session 2: Data Driven Urban Planning
Speaker: Kota Tsubouchi
Extracting Land-Use Patterns using Location Data from Smartphones
(Author: Kentaro Nishi*, Kota Tsubouchi**, Masamichi Shimosaka*)
* The University of Tokyo, ** Yahoo! JAPAN Research
This paper deals with automatic categorization of land-use patterns in citywide scale.
Thanks to exploiting the location log data from massive smartphone users in Yahoo! Japan, the technique proposed in the paper discovers the patterns on crowd density over time at each location. The patterns generated from our technique can be leveraged on systematic designing of urban planning, what we call data-driven urban planning.
This work was mainly done at Yahoo! Japan when our member Kenataro Nishi was being as a research intern at Yahoo! JAPAN Research.
The work is extended from our works on activity modeling such as occupancy prediction with nonparametric Bayesian methods.